Free tools - work time management software without registration

Online timesheet

Online hours sheet for time entry.
You are an employee or HR Manager, this free timesheet tool allows you to easily calculate working hours.

Leave calculation

The calculation of paid leave simplified thanks to this online leave calculator tool.
Define your leave calculation rules, then the tool automatically assesses your leave rights.


Automatic calculation of overtime.
This tool allows you to declare the hourly volume that corresponds to the working hours of the week. At the same time, you can define overtime calculation thresholds.

Activities planning

Free schedule declaration of working time.
Do you want to plan the week's activities for your employees ? This online schedule without registration allows you to inform your activity before downloading the pdf version to print.

Leave planning

Control the periods of absence of your employees thanks to this free online vacation schedule.
This leave planning tool is used to declare the list of employees as well as the date ranges of leave and absences.

Leave form

Real alternative to leave management software.
This leave request form offers the possibility of declaring the dates of leave while offering an accounting of the number of days of leave. You can print the leave request to present it to your HR Manager.

Working time management - how does it work ?

Working time management is a set of procedures and tools for collecting employees' working time.
By measuring the time spent, the company has a general view of the time allocated to different activities.

However, uses differ from one company to another.

Working time management remains a vast subject, with several variations :

º Overtime management: compensation for hours, recovery, night hours, work on Sundays or public holidays
º Project monitoring
º Planning of activities
º Organization and monitoring of tasks
º Invoicing by time spent
º Management of leaves and absences
º Annualization of working hours
º Planning monitoring

What is working time management software ?

Working time management software is an IT tool for dematerializing working time which facilitates the traceability of hours worked by a company's employees.
In labor law in France or in Europe, time management is an obligation for companies.
To facilitate the collection of time spent, the company can install time management software to indicate the contractual hourly volume per employee, as well as respecting the quotas of hours to be worked.

How to install time management software?

More and more companies are favoring the use of web software for human resources management or time management.
In this context, the installation of the work time software does not require IT prerequisites, as could have been the case previously, before the internet.
Thus, by adopting online time management software, the configuration of the tool is done quickly because users connect to shared SaaS software with pre-coded algorithms.
Connection to the working time software is done through a secure web channel (https protocol), with email and personal password, for each user.
We are far from the times when the installation of business management software was done directly on the Windows or Linux operating system, with the obligation to involve an IT specialist.

However, to succeed in your project to dematerialize working hours, it is recommended to establish formal specifications which specify your needs in terms of monitoring employees' hours worked.
To make your task easier in developing your time management tool deployment project, our IT engineers have developed this portal of free working time management tools, to allow you to have a vision of the benefits of working time software.

Management of working hours, implementation...

Hours worked by employees

If your time management needs are human resources management oriented, you should first define the formalism to collect the relevant information.
Depending on the case, the information may relate to the management indicators for leaves and absences, the calculation of overtime, the annualization of working time, or the monitoring of employees on a fixed-day basis.
This inventory allows you to move towards a working time management software adapted to your situation.
Note that the Workheure portal, offered free of charge, covers a large part of these needs...among which :

The online timesheet as a time management tool
The paid leave calculation tool, with advanced features...of the same type as in leave management software
Calculation of overtime through a multi-function online simulator
Free activity monitoring schedule
Online leave planning
Leave request form

Activity or time monitoring by project

The field of planning concerns companies that have constraints of delegation and monitoring of tasks, milestones, dealine...

Most often in IT professions with project management having strong constraints in terms of deliverable and delivery times.
Project management can also focus on the time spent, and this is where the free tools offered by the workheure HR portal can help ensure the traceability of information.
For example, the time management tool represented by the timesheet, offers type functionalities : parameterization of activities, time entry options, namely the number of hours worked, start and end time, etc.